Secondary School Profile

Cobourg Collegiate Institute (967836)

Address: 335 King East St, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A1M2
Phone Number: 905-372-2271
Fax Number: N/A
Enrolment 2021-2022 (Preliminary): 1,120
Grades Available: 9-12
School Website (if available): Cobourg Collegiate Institute
Board Name: Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB (B66079)

What you can find:

More Information Click on any term below to view a glossary. Data is updated as frequently as possible.

Grade 9 Student Achievement (Math) – 2022-2023

Grade 9 Student Achievement (Math) – 2022-2023
  School Province Help icon
English students French students
Math: Percentage of students achieving the provincial standard Help icon 36% 54% 60%
Change in math achievement over three years Help icon NA NA NA
Notes: For information re: NA, N/D, N/R, SP and rounding see the glossary for details.
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Grade 10 Student Achievement (Literacy) – 2022-2023

Grade 10 Student Achievement (Literacy) – 2022-2023
  School Province Help icon
English students French students
Literacy: Percentage of students who passed test on their first attempt Help icon 86% 85% 91%
Change in literacy achievement over three years Help icon NA NA NA
Notes: For information re: NA, N/D, N/R, SP and rounding see the glossary for details.
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Student Population – 2021-2022 (Preliminary)

Student Population
  School Province Help icon
Percentage of school-aged children who live in lower-income households Help icon 12% 17.7%
Percentage of students whose parents do not have a certificate, diploma or degree Help icon 1% 6.3%
Percentage of students who receive special education services Help icon 30% 16.3%
Percentage of students identified as gifted Help icon 1% 1.2%
Percentage of students whose first language is not English Help icon 3% 26.3%
Percentage of students who are new to Canada from non-English speaking country Help icon 1% 5.1%
Percentage of students whose first language is not French Help icon 99% 95.3%
Percentage of students who are new to Canada from non-French speaking country Help icon 1% 5.7%
Notes: For information re: NA, N/D, N/R, SP and rounding see the glossary for details.
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For more information about this school, please contact the school directly, or visit the school and/or school board websites.

School Website (if available): Cobourg Collegiate Institute
Board Website: Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB